York County School Division

Educational Technology

The York County School Division established a 1:1 Technology Program in the fall of 2020. Through this program, the division provides all students in grades 3-12 an appropriate device to support purposeful technology integration to increase student engagement, promote critical thinking and extend learning beyond the school day.

Device Distribution & Replacement Cycle

Beginning with the 2023-24 school year, students will keep the device issued to them until they receive a replacement as part of the division's technology refresh cycle or until they leave the division. In other words, students will keep the same device for a specific time period rather than being issued a device each school year.

The chart below denotes the grade level, device and distribution/collection cycle.

Grade Level Device Provided Distribution Collection
3 Chromebook All students (August) All students (June)
4 Chromebook All students (August) All students (June)
5 New Chromebook All students (August) Students leaving division (June)
6 Chromebook Newly enrolled students (August) Students leaving division (June)
7 Chromebook Newly enrolled students (August) Students leaving division (June)
8 Windows Laptop Newly enrolled students (August) Students leaving division (June)
9 New Chromebook All students (August) All students (August)
10* New Chromebook All students (September) Students leaving division (June)
11 Windows Laptop Newly enrolled students (August) Students leaving division (June)
12 Windows Laptop Newly enrolled students (August) All students (June)

*2024-25 Grade 10 students will be assigned a new Chromebook and the Lenovo 13w laptop issued in 2023 will be collected in September.

Accidental Damage Protection Plan

Families have the option to purchase an extended warranty and accidental damage protection plan on division-issued devices. The cost will be $50 per year and will be payable, through SchoolCash Online, each August. If purchased, families will only be responsible for the cost of intentional destruction or vandalism, and the loss of the device, power adapter, and/or cord.

Families electing not to purchase the optional accidental damage protection plan will be responsible for loss and all damage to the device beyond the one-year manufacturer's warranty.

Personal Device Use

YCSD provides ongoing support, district-approved software, and mandated security to students using district devices. While families may opt to provide their children a personal device rather than using a division-provided device, YCSD staff are unable to offer technical assistance with personal devices.

Cell phones are not considered an acceptable personal device for daily instructional use.

Technical Support

Students and families with questions related to technology, such as Canvas, Office 365, iPads, Chromebooks, etc., can contact the YCSD IT Help Desk at 757-527-4819 or by email at ycsdITsupport@ycsd.york.va.us between the hours of 7 a.m. and 5 p.m., Monday through Friday. Emails and calls received outside those hours will be returned the next business day.

Note: For questions related to instruction or classwork, please contact your child's teacher.


Additional information and resources on technology used can be found on the pages listed below.

Cox Connect2Compete (C2C)

Cox Connect2Compete is a low-cost, no contract internet service, $9.95 per month (total, no other charges), with the first two months free when ordered before the end of September. Families eligible for one of the programs below are eligible.

  • National School Lunch Program (free and reduced-price lunches)
  • Head Start
  • SNAP
  • LIHEAP and/or TANF
  • Receive Tenant-Based Vouchers
  • Project-Based Vouchers
  • Section 8 Project-Based Rental Assistance (PBRA)
  • Live in Public Housing

To apply, go to cox.com/apply.