York County School Division

Annual Notifications

Federal code, state code, and Virginia School Boards Association policy set certain requirements for school divisions regarding annual notifications, public hearings and postings. The York County School Division provides many of these notices on this website. The Student Handbook and Conduct Code contains the notices below as well as additional notifications.

Acceptable Computer System Use Agreement

Each student and their family (as well as each employee) must sign the division's acceptable computer use agreement before using the division's computer system. Information regarding Policy IIBEA, Acceptable Use of Technology, which includes policy regulation and responsible use acceptance agreements and procedures, is provided within Student Handbook and Conduct Code.


Each division must notify parents, employees and other building occupants about asbestos inspections, response actions and post-response action activities. Asbestos management plans are available for review at the administrative office of each school building during regular business hours.

Availability of School Division Policies and Regulations

Each division must make an annual announcement advising the public that current copies of all division policies and regulations are available on the division's website. The announcement also should state that printed copies of school division policies and regulations are available to citizens who do not have online access. Copies of the division's policies are available online through our website or at school division offices, and each of our schools.

Code of Student Conduct, Compulsory Attendance Law, Parental Responsibility and Involvement

Each division must supply the families of each enrolled student a notice of the requirements regarding parental responsibility and involvement, a copy of the division's standards of student conduct, and a copy of the compulsory school attendance law and the enforcement procedures and policies adopted by the school board. In return, each parent must acknowledge receipt of these materials. This information is provided within the Student Handbook and Conduct Code and includes excerpts from the Code of Virginia and School Board policies.

Credit for Work Experience

The Credit for Work Experience course provides students in grades 11 and 12 with the opportunity to earn an additional elective credit for every 140 hours of paid part-time employment, either in an after-school or summer job. The course supports YCSD’s efforts to provide students with opportunities to develop and demonstrate essential workplace readiness skills, as well as help them discover careers which may interest them. For more information about the Credit for Work Experience course, including expectations and requirements, students should reach out to their school counselor.

Dual Enrollment, Advanced Placement Classes, and Special Programs

Students and their parents must be notified of the availability of dual enrollment, advanced placement classes, the International Baccalaureate program, and Academic Year Governor's School Programs. The division publishes this information annually in the Secondary Program of Studies.

Eating Disorders Awareness Information

Every school board must annually provide information to parents of students in grades 5-12 regarding eating disorders. We strongly encourage families to view the information sheet provided.

FERPA (Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act)

Divisions must provide parents and adult students annual notice of their rights to inspect and review education records, amend education records, consent to disclosure of personally identifiable information in education records, and file a complaint with the U.S. Department of Education. Also, refer to School Board Policy JO, Student Records, which includes the school division's FERPA policy and defines the categories of information the school division designates as directory information.

Internet Privacy

Every school division that has an internet website must make its Internet privacy statement easily accessible on its website. The division's Privacy Statement can be accessed from the menu at the bottom of every page of the division website.


Divisions must notify students, parents and others that they do not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, disability, and age. The division's Non-Discrimination Statement can be accessed from the menu at the bottom of every page of the division website. More detailed information, including contact information for our Compliance Officers and procedures, can be found in School Board policies JBA, Section 504 Nondiscrimination Policy and Grievance Procedures (for students) and GB, Equal Employment Opportunity/Nondiscrimination (for personnel).

Postsecondary Education and Employment Data

The school division's career and technical education (CTE) program must include annual notice on its website to enrolled high school students and their families of the availability of postsecondary education and employment data published by the State Council of Higher Education.

Pupil/Teacher Ratios in Elementary School Classrooms

School boards must annually report to the public the actual pupil/teacher ratios in elementary school classrooms by school. YCSD annually reports class size data each fall, usually in October.