High School Level
Academic & Career Readiness
What opportunities can you explore that align with your interests to help you learn about potential careers? Based on your interests, what skills, values, experience, and education do you need to pursue career options?
School counselors, career coaches, and teachers expose students to a variety of career exploration opportunities to help students align their interests to their post-graduation plans through course offerings, internships, special programs, volunteer opportunities, and extracurricular activities.
Academic & Career Plan
An Academic & Career Plan (ACP) is developed collaboratively with the student, parent/guardian(s), and school counselor. It is developed in middle school and reviewed and updated before students enter the ninth and eleventh grade. The ACP is a guide to help students develop their plan of study for a pathway within a career cluster. Students are encouraged to select their high school courses based on post-graduation interests. This information is tracked using the ACP. Developing an ACP helps provide successful student transitions between high school and post-graduation education.
Transition Tuesday's
In partnership with Hampton City Schools and Newport News City Public Schools, York County School Division provides Transition Tuesday on the second Tuesday of each month from 12 - 1 p.m. During these sessions community partners provide resources and information to assist families of students with disabilities on how to navigate the workforce, financial literacy, higher education, mental health resources, and more. Please speak with your student's case manager to learn more about this opportunity.
Steps for Success
- Log into SchooLinks and take the assessments
- Review your assessment results with your family and begin exploring careers
- Investigate training and education needed to pursue your career of interest
- Explore course offerings at your school using the Program of Studies
- Begin drafting your Academic & Career Plan with your family
- Meet with your school counselor to discuss your academic and career goals
Career Clusters are broad groups of occupations with common features. There are 17 categories that encompass a broad array of careers.
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Career Coaches help students explore a variety of career pathways through organized activities such as class presentations, career fairs, lunch and learns and more.
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This program connects interested parents, community members, and businesses with schools and students to share their career experiences or expertise with students.
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An online tool developed to provide direct instruction, models, and opportunities to practice skills associated with self-determined behavior.
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Provides information on educational options such as certificate programs, apprenticeships, the military, trade schools, two-year and four-year colleges, and universities.
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A list of the top 100 professions in the Commonwealth and the top 10 degree programs at institutions of higher education in the Commonwealth.
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Provides information for students on preparing, applying and paying for college, as well as information on degrees and labor market career projections. This site helps students make informed decisions regarding preparing for post-high school educational and training opportunities.
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Provide students and their parents with information that will assist them in course selection and with long-range academic and career planning.
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SchooLinks is a career and college readiness platform that provides tools for self-discovery, career exploration, goal setting, course planning, college search and application tracking, financial aid, and scholarship information.
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Through the many specialty program offerings, the York County School Division offers many opportunities for students to express unique talents and abilities, as well as pursue interests.
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Work-related experiences (WREs) comprise of school-coordinated workplace experiences that are related to students' career goals and/or interests, are integrated with instruction, and are performed in partnership with local businesses and organizations.
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