Middle School Level
Academic & Career Readiness
How can your educational experiences help you acquire the knowledge, skills, habits, and traits necessary for success in your post-graduation plan?
School counselors, career coaches, and teachers expose students to a variety of career exploration opportunities to help students align their educational goals with their post-secondary plans. Students are encouraged to begin considering courses that will align with their future educational experiences, the workforce, and life to become future ready graduates.
Academic & Career Plan
Beginning in seventh grade students will develop an Academic & Career Plan (ACP). An ACP is developed collaboratively with the student, parent/guardian(s), and school counselor. The ACP is a guide to help students develop their plan of study for a pathway within a career cluster. Students will begin planning the high school courses they will take based on the student's academic and career interests. The ACP is reviewed and updated before students enter the ninth and eleventh grade. Developing an ACP helps provide successful student transitions between high school and postsecondary education.
Career Investigations Course
Students will take a Career Investigations course during middle school. This course allows students to explore career options and begin investigating career opportunities. Students assess their roles in society, identify their roles as workers, analyze their personal asset, complete a basic exploration of career clusters, select career pathways or occupations for further study, and create an Academic and Career Plan based on their academic and career interests. This course also helps students identify and demonstrate the workplace skills that employers desire in their future employees.
Steps for Success
- Log into SchooLinks and take the assessments
- Choose two to three careers to research and explore based on their Personality Assessment on SchooLinks
- Explore the Program of Studies with your student to discuss course opportunities that align with your student's interests, skills, and values
- Participate in the Academic & Career Plan meeting with your student and the school counselor
- Monitor your student's academic progress
- Participate in your high school zoned course planning night to learn about high school course offerings and special programs
- For students with disabilities, discuss transition planning with the case manager
A snapshot of clubs offered at various schools that promote awareness of high-demand careers in the area of STEM and technology and/or the skills required for these careers.
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Career Clusters are broad groups of occupations with common features. There are 17 categories that encompass a broad array of careers.
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This program connects interested parents, community members, and businesses with schools and students to share their career experiences or expertise with students.
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An online tool developed to provide direct instruction, models, and opportunities to practice skills associated with self-determined behavior.
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Provides information on educational options such as certificate programs, apprenticeships, the military, trade schools, two-year and four-year colleges, and universities.
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These spaces allow students to develop the 5 Cs through authentic, STEM related learning experiences.
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Provide students and their parents with information that will assist them in course selection and with long-range academic and career planning.
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SchooLinks is a career and college readiness platform that provides tools for self-discovery, career exploration, goal setting, course planning, college search and application tracking, financial aid, and scholarship information.
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