
students in a classroom

YCSD makerspaces are focused on student driven inquiry through a variety of materials with STEM career themes such as coding and computer science. Thanks to a Department of Defense Educational Activity (DoDEA) STEM grant, YCSD is creating opportunities for students and teachers to make and explore individually and collaboratively. Students are given challenges aligned to standards that can be solved in a variety of open-ended solutions. Through these challenges, students are building skills such as problem solving, critical thinking and perseverance.

In our makerspaces you might find:

  • 3D printers and modeling software such as Tinkercad
  • Virtual reality headsets
  • Engineering resources such as KEVA planks and LEGOs
  • Robotics such as Ozobots and Spheros
  • Coding software such as Scratch
  • Circuitry kits
  • Cardboard
  • Jewelry making tools
  • Green screens for video creation

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