EngagedIN YCSD

One of the primary responsibilities of a school system is to prepare students for their future. After all, today's students are the computer experts, contractors, doctors, educators, entrepreneurs, and employees of tomorrow.

The York County School Division is committed to ensuring all students graduate with the skills and knowledge to be successful and productive citizens in whichever career path they choose. The EngagedIN YCSD program connects interested parents, community members, and businesses with schools and students to share their career experiences or expertise with students.

There are multiple ways for individuals (working or retired) and businesses to help YCSD students make these Career Connections. To become involved, simply complete the EngagedIN form to share contact information, career field info, engagement interests, and availability.

Additional information about the opportunities to support Career Connections through our EngagedIN program is provided below. We also encourage interested individuals to learn more about the YCSD Strategic Plan objectives related to career readiness as well as the state's Profile of a Virginia Graduate, which describes the knowledge, skills, experiences and attributes that students must attain throughout their K-12 education in order to be successful in college and/or the work force and to be "life ready."

Guest Speaker

  • Community members share career-specific information, such as skills and training needed, growth opportunities, etc., in small group settings
  • Visits may include approved demonstrations, samples, hands-on activities and visuals
  • Speaking engagements typically last between 20 to 60 minutes

Career Day/Expo

  • Multiple businesses and organizations share career-specific information in a rotating format to maximize students' exposure to a variety of career fields
  • Visits may include approved demonstrations, samples, hands-on activities and visuals
  • Career Expos may be half-day or full school day events

Business/Facility Tour

  • Businesses or organizations host student groups on site to explore various occupations in real-word settings
  • Visits are carefully planned and structured to provide high-quality and safe educational experiences
  • Tours lengths are determined by the host agency

Mock Interview

  • Community members give students an opportunity to practice their interviewing skills in an environment similar to an actual interview
  • Mock interviews allow students to become familiar with interview questions and interview etiquette
  • Mock Interview typically last 30 minutes


  • This school-coordinated program places a student in grades 11 or 12 in a work setting to develop and practice career-related knowledge and skills needed for a specific entry-level job
  • Students receive established criteria and duties from the workplace supervisor, and are expected to be able to work independently in this setting
  • Students are expected to complete 140 hours on site


  • This school-coordinated program also places a student in grades 11 or 12 in a work setting to develop and practice career-related knowledge and skills
  • Students are paired with a qualified adult mentor to gain experience and insight to career field in a supervised setting
  • Students are expected to complete 140 hours on site

Career Panel

  • Panels are composed of 3 to 5 individuals from different industries.
  • Panelists have the opportunity to share information about their careers and tell their personal stories.
  • Students prepare and ask questions related to career pathways and experiences.

Career Café

  • Community members come in during lunchtime to talk with a small group of students who show an interest in the professional's career field.
  • Community members share the path they took to pursue their career, requirements for the job, potential salary and more. Students follow up with questions.
  • Lunches typically last approximately 20 minutes.

Entrepreneurship Mentor

  • Help students develop entrepreneurial skills by sharing your business know how.
  • Entrepreneurship mentors visit classes on a regular basis throughout the school year to help guide student teams as they develop ideas and prototypes, create marketing materials, work on a budget, and sell or pitch their products or services.
  • Class visits typically last 30-60 minutes.

Job Fair

  • An organized event where job seekers and employers meet to share information about their companies, conduct interviews, and discuss available positions.

EngagedIN Registration

*EngagedIN YCSD is a collaboration between the York County School Division and members of the Superintendent's Business Advisory Council.

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