
Today's students must be prepared for careers and continuing education in a challenging and rapidly changing workplace. In 2018, the division created a business advisory council, comprised of members of the York County Chamber of Commerce, to address the driving question, "How can we work together to prepare students for jobs and careers?"

The council established two objectives:

  • To ensure students graduate with the skillset to be both college and career ready.
  • To increase student and parent awareness of the job opportunities available in the trades and small business.

The result of these efforts is a series of videos below, entitled TradeWins, featuring a variety of career options with employees and owners of businesses in our area. These videos, along with a mini-lesson, are shared with 10th grade students during their English classes over the course of the school year.

We encourage parents to view the videos as well to have conversations with your children regarding their career aspirations. The questions below are examples that can be used to engage child in conversations about career possibilities and making academic choices to support career goals.

  • What did you learn about the career(s) from the video?
  • What skills, interests or values would be important for someone in this career?
  • What would be exciting and/or challenging about this career?
  • What education/training is required to do the work?
  • After watching the video, can you imagine pursuing the career highlighted or one similar? Why or why not?
  • How can you learn more about career opportunities in this career field or another?

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