Measuring our Progress

An important component of the division's FY23-27 Strategic Plan is ensuring accountability and transparency. The division tracks our progress on Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) identified as most impactful in demonstrating meaningful progress towards the division's vision, mission, and priorities. Additional high-level data and metrics which help guide decision-making are also available through the Dashboard.

The division's public Data Dashboard, developed in Microsoft PowerBI, a web-based, interactive platform which presents data through simple graphics, charts, and tables so it is easy to read and interpret. The dashboard also allow users to filter and sort data in a variety of ways.

Listed below are the strategic priorities along with links to the PowerBI Dashboard for the KPIs and data metric monitored by division staff. Individual dashboards are updated on monthly, quarterly, and annual cycles (based on the data's availability), with the reporting date provided in the lower right-hand corner.

Collective Commitment
KPI Description of Data Displayed
Customer Service Let's Talk! - AskYCSD platform categories and topics, staff response time and customer service ratings
Family Engagement Division and school events, event purpose, and target audience(s)
Shared Decision-Making Division-level committees, number of participants, and stakeholder representation
Social Media Official division and school Facebook and Instagram accounts, account followers, engagement and reach

Supportive Culture
KPI Description of Data Displayed
School Climate Grades 4-12 responses to identified questions regarding environment, safety and engagement
Student Attendance Average daily attendance (excused and unexcused), overall absence rates and chronic absenteeism (students who miss 10% or more of school)
Student Behavior & Discipline Infractions resulting in disciplinary action
Student Connections Student participation in curricular, cocurricular and extracurricular programs

Highly Effective Talent
KPI Description of Data Displayed
Employment Retention & Vacancies Employees maintaining consecutive years of service with YCSD and reasons for employment separation
Licensed New Hires & Lateral Moves Number of employees on the teacher salary schedule hired and employees who join or leave YCSD for same position in a Hampton Roads area school division
Staff Working Conditions All staff responses to identified questions regarding environment, safety, support and engagement

Future Ready Graduates
KPI Description of Data Displayed
PSAT College & Career Readiness Benchmark Percentage of students scoring at or above identified benchmarks
Grade Level Reading Data (grades 1-5)  
End-of-Course (EOC) Assessment Data  
CTE Enrollment & Certification Data  

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