Future Ready Graduates

Students will acquire knowledge, skills, habits, and traits necessary for success in future educational experiences, the workforce, and life.

Areas of Focus

High Quality Instruction: Rigorous curricula, evidence-based teaching practices, and active learning environments that are differentiated, standards-based, and data-driven.

Engaging Educational Experiences: Learning opportunities intentionally designed to activate students' curiosity as they apply critical thinking skills in contexts that are within and beyond the classroom.

College and Career Readiness: The knowledge and skills needed to be successful in postsecondary education and/or training leading to meaningful employment in a highly complex, diverse, and evolving workforce.

Life Readiness: The dispositions and character traits* that improve the learning environment, promote student achievement, and develop civic-minded students of high character.

*YCSD Character Education Traits include:

  • Trustworthiness: Being reliable, honest, earned over time; someone on whom others can depend.
  • Respect: Speaking and acting civilly, being courteous to others and caring about their rights, beliefs and well-being.
  • Responsibility: Showing reliability and consistency in speech and conduct; being accountable for one's own actions; civic engagement in the community.
  • Fairness: Acting in a just way in making decisions; standing up for the rights of everyone to be treated equally and honestly, playing by the rules.
  • Caring: Feeling and exhibiting concern and empathy for others.
  • Citizenship: Caring about the good of the school, community, and society and participating to make things better.

Theory of Action

If we provide intentional learning opportunities that activate students' curiosity and critical thinking skills through rigorous, evidence-based instruction then students will possess the knowledge, skills, and traits necessary to be successful in post-secondary endeavors.

Why this is Important

  • In 2021, the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics released an Employment Projections (EP) summary that indicates that by 2030 employment is projected to increase by 11.9 million jobs across all major industries and occupations.
  • The availability of a well-trained and educated workforce remains the top concern for Virginia's business community.
  • Virginia's Board of Education has determined that a life-ready Virginia graduate must:
    • achieve and apply appropriate academic and technical knowledge;
    • demonstrate productive workplace skills, qualities, and behaviors;
    • build connections and value interactions with others as a responsible and responsive citizen; and
    • align knowledge, skills, and personal interests with career opportunities.

Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)

The key data and metrics identified most impactful in demonstrating meaningful progress towards the division's vision, mission and priorities.

Academic Assessments: Early Literacy Screening

The Virginia Language and Literacy Screening System (VALLSS) is an informal screening inventory required by the Virginia Department of Education (VDOE). It is administered to all students in kindergarten through second grade in the fall and spring of each school year.

VALLSS results help determine individual students' learning goals, support the planning of targeted instruction, monitor student progress, and identify students who may need additional support in foundational reading skills.

The screener uses a combination of subtest scores to create a composite scaled score using a state-determined algorithm. Students may score within three bands of reading difficulty risk: high risk, moderate risk, or low risk, based on their scaled score. For more information on the Virginia literacy screener, please access this Literacy Screening Information Sheet.

This Key Performance Indicator (KPI) is updated semi-annually and can be filtered by school year and grade level.

Academic Assessments: PSAT 8/9 and PSAT/NSMQT

The York County School Division offers free College Board assessments to students in grades 9 and 11. Schools use data from the PSAT 8/9 and PSAT/NMSQT to guide curriculum development, course planning, and to help close the achievement gap.

The PSAT 8/9 provides an early measure of college and career readiness as students enter high school. It also provides students and families valuable information for academic and career planning.

The PSAT/NMSQT (Preliminary Scholastic Aptitude Test/National Merit scholarship Qualifying Test) provides feedback in mathematics, writing and verbal skills. Students who achieve strong scores on this exam during their junior year are eligible for the National Merit Scholarship Program, which provides college-bound students.

This Key Performance Indicator (KPI) is updated annually once the College Board releases school and division level data and can be filtered by year and school.

Academic Assessments: SOLs

The Standards of Learning (SOL) guides instruction in Virginia's public schools, outlining expectations for student learning and achievements in grades K-12. SOL annual student assessments are administered to students at the conclusion of specific courses in grades 3-11.

Reading SOL: Grades 3-8 and once in high school

Writing SOL: English 11 courses

Math SOL: Grades 3-8 and specific secondary courses (Algebra I, Geometry, Algebra II) as needed to meet graduation requirements

Science SOL: Grades 5-8 and specific high school credit-bearing courses (Earth Science, Biology, Chemistry) based on graduation requirements

History SOL: Once in elementary school (Virginia Studies), once in middle school (Civics and Economics) and specific high school credit-bearing courses (Geography, World History I, World History II, Virginia, United States history) based on graduation requirements

This Key Performance Indicator (KPI) is updated annually once the Virginia Department of Education has released school and division level data and can be filtered by school year, assessment and demographics.

Career and Technical Education Indicators

The York County School Division (YCSD) offers Career and Technical Education (CTE) courses which provide opportunities for middle and high school students to explore careers, develop occupational knowledge and skills, and earn industry recognized credentials.

CTE curriculum integrates employability skills, is competency-based, and aligns with Virginia's core subject Standards of Learning. The YCSD program of study includes sequential CTE courses designed to provide foundational knowledge with opportunities for advanced learning. CTE sequential courses offer pathways for students to earn one or more postsecondary credential, college credit through dual enrollment, and extended learning experiences such as work-based learning.

Both the Finance career cluster and the Education and Training career cluster encompass courses that all students are required to take resulting in larger course enrollments in those areas. Visit the Virginia's Career Clusters website for more information.

College, Career and Civic Readiness Index

College, Career and Civic Readiness Index (CCCRI) is an index that measures, for the graduating cohort, student preparation for college and careers while in high school. Credit is given for advanced coursework, CTE courses and credentials, JROTC coursework and credentials, work-based learning, and service learning. This is an unduplicated count. Students may meet more than one qualifying criteria, however, they are only counted once.

Note: The Virginia Department of Education (VDOE) no longer tracks or reports this data due to changes in school accountability beginning with the 2024-25 school year. No updates will be made to this KPI.

Year One Strategies (FY23)

A green circle with a white check mark in it Create a YCSD College and Career website that provides valuable academic and career planning resources for students and families.
A green circle with a white check mark in it Expand the YCSD curriculum framework to include additional resources that promote student engagement, character education traits, effective technology integration and differentiation.
A green circle with a white check mark in it Audit the current K-12 writing instructional program and curriculum documents.
A green circle with a white check mark in it Audit the alignment and rigor of the YCSD middle school math curriculum.
A green circle with a white check mark in it Update the YCSD Literacy Model to include integration of Science of Reading instructional practices.
A green circle with a white check mark in it Develop a continuum outlining expectations for K-12 academic and career planning.
A green circle with a white check mark in it Identify and implement instruction resources to support improved PSAT/SAT outcomes and increased enrollment in advanced coursework.

A green circle with a white check mark in it A green circle with a white check mark in it A blue and white circle with arrows in it A yellow circle with white lines in it A purple circle with a white x in it
Implemented Implemented/
In Progress Pending Discontinued

Year Two Strategies (FY24)

A green circle with a white check mark in it Implement strategies to prepare students to meet or exceed state and federal benchmarks in English, math, science, and on-time graduation.
A green circle with a white check mark in it Create engaging educational experiences by having every teacher integrate 3 or more thinking-based classroom characteristics in at least one lesson or unit of study.
A green circle with a white check mark in it Develop processes to support all students in grade 5 and 8 reaching proficiency on the Integrated Reading and Writing (IRW) Mastery Connect assessments.
A purple circle with a white x in it Evaluate and increase opportunities for high schools to meet state and federal benchmarks for College, Career, and Civic Readiness.

A green circle with a white check mark in it A green circle with a white check mark in it A blue and white circle with arrows in it A yellow circle with white lines in it A purple circle with a white x in it
Implemented Implemented/
In Progress Pending Discontinued

Year Three Strategies (FY25)

Identify and implement processes which prepare students to earn a 3 or higher on an AP test, 4 or higher on an HL IB exam, or a 5 on an IB SL exam.
Develop a method for monitoring students' progress towards earning an Early College Scholar certificate.
Identify opportunities to expand options for CTE completers to earn a state-approved industry recognized credential.
Maximize opportunities for middle school students to take advanced math courses.
Explore options for including advanced middle school science and social studies courses within the Program of Studies.
Develop a multi-year improvement plan for student writing performance.
Implement data-driven approaches which support students' ability to achieve the advanced performance level on the reading, math, and science SOL tests.
Establish a system to monitor and support student growth in reading and math.
Apply the Virginia Language and Literacy Screening System (VALLSS) in grades K-3 to ensure all students receive foundational reading skills supported by the Science of Reading.

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