FY12 Operating Budget Update
This page will be updated as information becomes available from the School Board as well as from the division's funding sources: local, state and federal. To receive updates as they become available, add this web page to your RSS feed reader.
June 27, 2011: FY12 Approved Annual Budget
May 9, 2011: Work Session
April 26, 2011: Special Meeting
At a Special Meeting on April 26, the School Board approved a one-time payment to eligible staff members. The payment will be made in December 2011 and will be $400 or 1.68% of base salary, whichever is higher. The payment will be pro-rated for part-time eligible staff.
Eligible staff for the one-time payment is defined as full-time permanent staff, and the payment is pro-rated for part-time permanent staff based on percentage of employment. Temporary part-time staff members and substitutes are excluded from the payment. Temporary part-time staff members include COEs, interns, coaches who are not otherwise full-time employees, hourly teachers, etc.
April 18, 2011: Work Session
March 10, 2011: FY12 Budget Update Slideshow
March 10, 2011: FY12 Budget Update Video
March 7, 2011: Work Session
February 14, 2011: Work Session
February 1, 2011: Joint Work Session
January 10, 2011: Superintendent's Proposed FY12 Operating Budget Preliminary Recommendations
December 6, 2010: Chief Financial Officer's FY12 Budget Outlook presentation to the School Board
November 8, 2010: FY12 Preliminary Data