On-Time Graduation Rate
In 2008, the Virginia Department of Education (VDOE) adopted a graduation-rate formula to uniformly assess and report high school graduation rates at the state, division and school levels. The new On-Time Graduation Rate, was prompted by a 2005 National Governors Association (NGA) task force report that recommended that all states adopt a graduation rate to measure on-time graduation, with most students expected to earn a diploma in four years.
Previously, graduation rates had been calculated using a variety of formulas that did not account for student's moving in or out of a school or division, which can have a significant impact on communities with higher military residents. The On-Time Graduation Rate is calculated based on the number of students who earn a diploma is a given school year divided by the number of students who entered the ninth-grade for the first time four years prior (plus transfers in and minus transfers out).
This new rate provides an accurate benchmark of what happens to high school students as they move toward graduation and allows YCSD to target its efforts on increasing the graduation rate.
Graduation Rates
Years |
Virginia |
2014-15 |
94.6% |
90.5% |
2013-14 |
94.5% |
89.9% |
2012-13 |
94.2% |
89.1% |
2011-12 |
94.2% |
88.0% |
2010-11 |
94.1% |
86.6% |
2009-10 |
91.6% |
85.5% |
Individual school cohort reports
On-Time Graduation Rate Frequently Asked Questions