School Board Meetings

The York County School Board typically holds two meetings each month, a work session and a regular meeting. These meetings are broadcast live on YCSD-TV (Cox Cable channel 47 (SD), Cox Cable channel 87 (HD), and Verizon channel 39) and on our YouTube channel. Additionally, the Board may also schedule special meetings, public forums, and public hearings. Agendas for work sessions and monthly business meetings are posted on BoardDocs at least three working days prior to each meeting date. Notice and agendas for special and closed meetings are posted at the same time notice is provided to members of the School Board.

Work Sessions

The School Board holds work sessions to engage in dialogue and discuss specific topics in greater depth and are typically less formal. Work sessions are open to the public but do not include a public comment section. Work sessions are held on the second Monday of the month at 6 p.m. at York Hall, 301 Main Street, Yorktown, VA unless otherwise noted.

Regular Meetings

Regular meetings are held to conduct the business of the schools, act on matters requiring Board approval, and recognize student, staff and community contributions to the school division. Regular meetings are open to the public and citizens wishing to address the Board may do so at these meetings. Persons who wish to address the Board are requested to sign up, in person, prior to the start of the Business portion of the meeting. Regular meetings are typically held on the fourth Monday of the month at 7 p.m. at York Hall, 301 Main Street, Yorktown, VA unless otherwise noted.

Special Meetings

A special meeting may be convened to discuss and/or vote on one or more particular issue that cannot wait for the next regular meeting. It can include virtual meetings, closed sessions, student discipline hearings, and any added meetings that were not previously scheduled. Other special meetings include the annual meeting, the June meeting held off-site, and also any joint meeting or training sessions for Board members.

Public Forums and Hearings

The School Board schedules public forums and hearings on specific topics such as boundaries, budget, and the Capital Improvement Program in accordance with the Code of Virginia. Forums and hearings may be scheduled to take place at a designated time within a regular or special meeting or as a separate event.

Public Participation at Board Meetings

Any member of the community may address the Board on matters related to the York County School Division at any regular meeting at designated times. A person who wishes to address the Board should make their request prior to the start of the Business portion of the meeting.

Meeting Agendas and Minutes

School Board meeting agendas and minutes are available on BoardDocs. Agendas and minutes for School Board meetings prior to August 2011 are available by contacting the Clerk of the Board at 757-898-0310.

Board Meeting Schedule

The schedule of upcoming School Board meetings is available on BoardDocs.

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