The School Board may appoint advisory councils or committees of citizens of the school division for consultation with reference to specific matters pertaining to local schools. Advisory committee members include parents, teachers, staff members, students and other community members interested in helping York County School Division achieve its mission and goals.
Download the YCSD Advisory Committee Membership Application
The purpose of the Career and Technical Education Advisory Committee (CTEAC) is to inform the school division of current job needs and projected workforce trends, make recommendations on training and instructional resources, participate in work-based learning and career connections activities for students, and to promote the York County CTE instructional programs. The CTEAC shall be composed of members of the public, including students, teachers, parents, and representatives from business, industry, and labor, with appropriate representation of both sexes and racial and ethnic groups found in the school, community, or region served by the committee as required by 8VAC20-120-50.
The CTEAC meets at regular intervals during the year and committee members are expected to attend meetings on a regular basis. Committee members shall become knowledgeable about CTE instructional programs in York County and the requirements of the Commonwealth of Virginia.
Career and Technical Education Advisory Committee meetings, agendas and members can be found on BoardDocs.
Advisory committees established by the York County School Division are one way that parents and community members connect with their schools. The Gifted Education Advisory Committee (GEAC) members are appointed by the School Board. This committee is comprised of elementary, middle, and high school parents; a community representative; and school division representatives. The primary purpose of the GEAC is to review annually the local plan for the education of gifted students and to determine the extent to which the plan for the previous year was implemented. GEAC meetings include information and/or presentations on relevant topics. The GEAC meets four times annually, and the meetings are open to the public. Meeting minutes are posted online as soon as possible after the meetings. Questions about the York County School Division gifted education services or the means by which students are identified for these programs should be directed to the Gifted Education Contact at your child's school.
Gifted Education Advisory Committee meetings, agendas and members can be found on BoardDocs.
The purpose of the York County Special Education Advisory Committee is to advise and assist the York County School Division in identifying strengths and weaknesses of its special education services as well as unmet needs. This committee meets regularly, and the committee is comprised of parents of students with disabilities who attend York County Schools.
The Special Education Advisory Committee meetings include presentations on relevant special education topics and a public comment period. Participation by all parents of students with disabilities is encouraged. If you are interested in providing comments but are unable to attend the monthly meetings, you may provide written comments by mailing them to one of the committee members or to the committee chair.
For more information, please call the Department of Special Education at 757-898-0308 or email the committee chair.
Special Education Advisory Committee meetings, agendas and members can be found on BoardDocs.