School Bus Conduct
Students have the responsibility to maintain the same level of discipline and behavior as they would in the classroom. The school bus driver has been trained in care, maintenance and safety factors involved in the operation of a school bus, and the driver is responsible for administering these instructions. He or she is in charge of the school bus. Safe bus operation depends on students' proper behavior.
The behavior of students, whether on the bus or at the bus stop, is the responsibility of the school administrator. Students who violate rules of conduct will be disciplined by a school administrator. Consequences also apply to students who misbehave while going from home to the bus stop or from the bus stop to home.
School Bus Conduct Rules
The School Bus Conduct Rules include, but are not limited to the following:
- Students must obey the instructions of the bus driver at all times.
- Students must wait for the bus at the designated bus stop-off the roadway.
- Students must enter the bus in an orderly manner and take a seat.
- Students must remain seated at all times.
- Students must not bring animals, aerosol cans, glass objects, balloons or any other item which compromises the safe operations of the bus.
- Students must keep arms, legs and head inside of the bus.
- Students must not shout at pedestrians or people in other vehicles.
- Students must not throw objects in the bus or out of the windows.
- Students must not tamper with the emergency door or other bus equipment.
- Students must keep seats, aisles and exits clear (large musical instruments and other oversized objects may not occupy seat space if it is needed to accommodate students).
- Students must not bring food or drinks onto the bus unless in back pack or lunch box.
- Students must not use cell phones on the school bus at any time.