The York County School Division is committed to providing a learning environment free from harassment, intimidation, or bullying. Our schools implement a prevention-intervention approach to address the important topic, including character education programs, student assemblies, and counseling services. The division's bullying prevention committee meets regularly to review the division's programs and practices as well as to identify resources for parents, students, and staff.
The Student Handbook and Conduct Code identifies the characteristics and consequences of bullying:
Bullying may occur when there is an unfair match between the students and may include, but is not limited to, physical intimidation, taunting, name calling, insults, falsifying statements about other persons and/or comments regarding the race, gender, religion, physical abilities or characteristics of associates of the targeted person. Cyber bullying is defined as using information and communication technologies such as cell phone text messages and pictures, email, social networking websites, defamatory personal websites, and defamatory online personal polling websites to support deliberate, hostile behavior intended to harm others.
Cyber bullying which occurs off school grounds and or does not involve the use of the York County School Division network or computers may result in disciplinary actions if it causes a substantial disruption to the operation of a school or the School Division, if it threatens the safety and mental or physical well-being of students or staff, or if it threatens the safety of school buildings or school property.
Level I Conference (with student and/or parent)
Level II Intervention (disciplinary action as determined by administrator) or Alternative to Suspension (ATS)
Level III Short Term Suspension from 1 to 10 school days
Level IV Long Term Suspension from 11 to 364 days, Alternative Educational Placement or Expulsion
Students, staff and parents are encouraged to share in the responsibility for a safe and orderly school environment. Incidents of bullying or cyber bullying should be reported to teachers or school administrators as soon as possible. Confidential reports may also be made by placing a call to the Division's Hotline at 890-5000. Additionally, users can report incidents of harassment, bullying and discrimination online. School administrators are responsible for addressing and investigating all reports of bullying. In addition, they are required by law to report all incidents of cyberbullying to local law enforcement.
Additional Resources