FY20 Operating Budget



  • $145.5 million, an increase of $5.1 million or 3.63%
  • $3.95 million increase in state funding
  • $1.25 million increase request in local funding
  • $1 million in identified savings


The budget development process begins in early fall and continues through May each year. The York County School Division implements a collaborative approach throughout the budget development cycle, involving school administrators, department administrators, community stakeholders, the chief financial officer, the superintendent, and the school board in the development process. This year, the division received 186 budget suggestions/requests through community input sessions, school and department input opportunities, and an online suggestion box.

The budget serves as an operational plan, stated in financial terms, for carrying out the mission of the school district. The budget focuses on three strategic priorities - instruction and learning, retention and recruitment, and compliance and safety.


Instruction & Learning

The budget proposal provides for a comprehensive educational system that aligns to the goals of the Strategic Plan and allows the division to expand efforts in preparing all students for career and college success in alignment with the Profile of a Virginia Graduate.

  • $1,462,000 - staff positions
    • 10 teaching positions related to projected enrollment increase
    • 4.5 full-time equivalent school counseling positions (FTEs) to strengthen school support services for students
  • $460,000 increase for New Horizons Regional Education Centers
  • $150,000 increase for Early College Program with TNCC
Retention & Recruitment

The division's continued success is dependent on maintaining and attracting a dedicated, passionate and committed team of employees.

  • $1.9 million for step increase for licensed employees (3.26% average pay increase)
  • $1.4 million for conversion of non-licensed employee pay plan (4.1% average pay increase)

"Our success - and our students' success - begins and ends with the dedicated, passionate and committed employees of YCSD," shared Dr. Shandor. "It's critical that we continue to provide competitive compensation to keep and attract the very best."

Legal Compliance & Safety

The positions identified here on the first line support instruction and learning but state and federal mandates require this change next year.

  • $415,000 for 9 FTE instructional positions
    • 5 Special Education teachers
    • 3 Special Education para-educators
    • 1 English Language para-educator
  • $20,000 for school-home communication

Next Steps

School Board Public Hearing February 25
School Board Work Session March 11
School Board Adopts Proposed Budget March 25
School Board Adopts Operating Budget May 20

FY20 Documents

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