Below are common questions about the modified schedule for Grafton Middle, Tabb Middle, Yorktown Middle, Grafton High, Tabb High, and York High. We will continue to add to this list of common questions as we receive them.
Is there a limit to how many Saturdays a student can miss? How will families with prior commitments or who worship on Saturdays be supported?
Absence requests for Saturdays, now considered a regular instructional day, will fall under the YCSD attendance policy. Absence requests for any day will be considered based on the components of the policy.
How will absences for spring break and the extended school year be treated?
With the adjustments to the school calendar for Grafton High/Middle school students, we recognize that families may have travel plans in place on days that are now scheduled school days.
The YCSD attendance policy allows excused absences for exceptional circumstances, as determined by the building principal. All families that are unable to alter their plans should submit, in writing, a request for prior approval for their child's absence.
If this presents a hardship for my family, can I transfer my child to another school within the division?
An out-of-zone hardship request can be submitted to the department of school administration for consideration.
How does this new schedule affect out-of-zone tuition for students in the affected schools?
Out-of-zone tuition rates are established based on annual school enrollment in a locality in which the student does not reside. If a parent is considering withdrawing an out-of-zone student due to this emergency situation, the parent should contact the School Board at 757-833-7001.
How does the revised schedule impact athletics (tryouts, practices, conditioning, and games)?
Athletic directors and coaches are working through logistics to account for time and location adjustments to ensure that all interested students may participate, even on days in which students are not in school. Athletic directors and administrators are working with the Bay Rivers District on scheduling of games/competitions.
How does the revised schedule impact after school extra-curricular and co-curricular activities and clubs?
Administrators and activities directors are working through logistics to ensure that all students may participate.
How does the revised schedule impact spring performances, including musicals and plays?
Host schools have been working with Grafton staff to provide opportunities for all performances to take place.
Will students still be able to participate in non-school athletic activities that conflict with the new school schedules?
Yes, please refer to YCSD policy on attendance procedures.
There is a mention of blended learning. Is that a realistic possibility? When will blended learning be explained and how will this affect the Saturdays that need to be attended?
Division staff began exploring the use of blended learning to help augment the 990-clock hour mandate and minimize the number of scheduled Saturdays as soon as we learned the severity of the damage to the complex. We shared the work that was underway during the public forums on February 8. Since that time, VDOE leaders confirmed that while blended learning could be a component of the division's plan to meet state mandates, the division would also need to meet other requirements in order for blended learning to count towards state mandates.
What were the additional requirements for a blended learning plan?
These requirements begin with the division providing a comprehensive plan for blended learning prior to granting approval to meet state mandates. The plan would have needed to include details on student access to devices and technology, student accountability, and requirements for instructional rigor through interactive, supervised virtual instruction. Further, when blended learning is offered, schools must maintain operations so that any student who cannot participate virtually may still receive instruction in a manner equivalent to that provided during the regular school day.
Building administrators will work closely with teachers to ensure that expectations for students, on days when they are not in school, are course-appropriate and represent a balanced workload. Plans to provide instructional support on days students are not in school will be released shortly.
Will blended learning be implemented in any form now?
While blended learning is not a requirement for all schools to reach the mandated 990 instructional hours, it does provide opportunities for supplementing instruction. Recognizing that some teachers may choose to include blended learning during this modified schedule, staff will collaborate to ensure that expectations for students are course-appropriate and represent a balanced workload. Schools will also work to support students who need access to technology. At the same time, the division will provide teachers with additional professional development on available technology and best practices for delivering virtual instruction.
Schools will be sharing information for providing instructional support on days students are not in school in the coming days.
What are the school hours?
March 2 - April 3
School | Scheduled Days | Start Time | Dismissal Time |
Grafton High (at YHS) | Tue./Thu./Sat. | 7:00 a.m. | 2:45 p.m. (3:00 p.m. on scheduled Saturdays) |
Grafton Middle (at TMS) | Tue./Thu./Sat. | 7:40 a.m. | 3:00 p.m. (3:45 p.m. on scheduled Saturdays) |
York High | Mon./Wed./Fri. | 7:00 a.m. | 2:15 p.m. |
Tabb Middle | Mon./Wed./Fri. | 7:45 a.m. | 2:50 p.m. |
*Friday 4/3, will become a non-student day for YHS/TMS while GHS/GMS will be in school
April 6 - 8 (Spring Break)
School | Scheduled Days | Start Time | Dismissal Time |
Grafton High (at YHS) | Mon./Tue./Wed. | 7:00 a.m. | 3:00 p.m. |
Grafton Middle (at TMS) | Mon./Tue./Wed. | 7:40 a.m. | 3:45 p.m. |
April 13 - June 11 (Grafton schools relocate to new host schools)
School | Scheduled Days | Start Time | Dismissal Time |
Grafton High (at THS) | Tue./Thu./Sat. | 7:00 a.m. | 2:45 p.m. (3:00 p.m. on scheduled Saturdays) |
Grafton Middle (at YMS) | Tue./Thu./Sat. | 7:40 a.m. | 3:00 p.m. (3:45 p.m. on scheduled Saturdays) |
Tabb High | Mon./Wed./Fri. | 7:00 a.m. | 2:15 p.m. |
Yorktown Middle | Mon./Wed./Fri. | 7:45 a.m. | 2:50 p.m. |
York High | Mon. through Fri. | 7:20 a.m. | 2:05 p.m. |
Tabb Middle | Mon. through Fri. | 8:00 a.m. | 2:45 p.m. |
June 15 - 19 (week after graduation)
School | Scheduled Days | Start Time | Dismissal Time |
Grafton High (at THS) | Mon. through Fri. | 7:00 a.m. | 3:00 p.m. |
Grafton Middle (at YMS) | Mon. through Fri. | 7:40 a.m. | 3:45 p.m. |
What will the bell schedules be for schools on alternating day schedules?
Bell schedules will be provided by the schools.
When will the 4th quarter begin for schools currently on the altered day schedule?
All schools will begin 4th quarter on April 13.
How will specialty programs or students with off periods be affected with the new bell schedule?
Students who attend special programs such as Governor’s School, New Horizons, SOA, etc. will still attend those programs daily (Monday through Friday). Each school’s counseling team is working with individual students and the transportation department to ensure that students still have access to these programs with minimal impact to their other classes. Students will only report to their scheduled classes, however, working locations will be made available for off periods between classes on-site as well.
Will the schedule released on 2/25 affect Grafton High School's graduation ceremony?
No, Grafton High School's commencement ceremony will take place as scheduled on June 12, 2020. All seniors will have the opportunity to complete all course objectives, including assignments and quarterly assessments, prior to graduation. Seniors who complete these requirements will receive their diplomas at graduation and would not be required to attend the week after graduation.
How do the adjusted schedules affect early release days?
While schools are on an alternating day schedule, the schools will not participate in scheduled early release or 2-hour delay schedules.
How is this going to work with students with previously planned work schedules and other activities?
We recognize that the adjusted schedule will impact students and families. We request that families follow existing attendance policy, which provides provisions for excused and unexcused absences. We encourage families to work with school staff for absences that occur resulting from events that cannot be rescheduled.
On the days my child does not have school, what are my child care options?
Division staff collaborated with local organizations and business to address concerns related to child care due to the alternating day schedule. Many businesses have offered adjusted schedules and rates for families affected by the new school calendar. However, if childcare remains a concern, Northside Christian Church has offered to serve that need. Parents should contact the church directly for more information.
What do I do with my child who needs other school services on the days they are not in school?
Principals and school staff have developed plans to provide remediation and academic support for students. This information will be provided to students and families by each school.
What if we already have plans for Spring Break?
With the adjustments to the school calendar for Grafton High/Middle school students, we recognize that families may have travel plans in place on days that are now scheduled school days.
The YCSD attendance policy allows excused absences for exceptional circumstances, as determined by the building principal. I want to assure you that this is considered exceptional circumstances. We ask all families that are unable to alter their plans to submit, in writing, a request for prior approval for their child's absence. This request can be submitted via email and should include the reason for the prior approval request.
Division staff, our administrative team and teachers are developing plans to provide instruction and support for students who are unable to attend during spring break. This information will be provided to families with approved absences by April 3.
How does this new schedule impact Grafton seniors and graduation?
As shared in the superintendent's announcement, graduation will take place as scheduled on Friday, June 12. All seniors will have the opportunity to complete all course objectives, including assignments and quarterly assessments, prior to graduation. Seniors who complete these requirements will receive their diplomas at graduation and would not be required to attend the week after graduation.
Is there an opportunity for children to get school meals on days they are not in school?
Sodexo, the division's Food Services provider, has secured donated meal options for students on days they are not in class due to the alternating day schedule. These complimentary Grab and Go meal bags will be available beginning Monday, the week of March 9. Each bag will include breakfast and lunch entrees, drinks, and fruit or vegetables, as well as instructions for storing and preparing meals. Schools will have a limited supply of Grab and Go meal bags available each day at an identified location in the building during dismissal. If you have questions regarding the Grab and Go meal bags, please contact YCSD Food Services at 898-0485.
Will my student still be able to purchase breakfast or lunch at the new school and how will they make those payments?
Yes. The cafeteria system has the capability to lookup any student in the division so that it will be applied to the correct student account. Parents do not have to make any changes to their payment methods.
With significant cut in classroom instructional time, what about those kids in advance classes such as AP classes, how will YCSD plan to cover all materials before the AP exam in early May?
We have confidence in our teachers' ability to adequately prepare our students for success in these courses, as well as the accompanying assessments. This may include outside instructional opportunities. Additionally, the College Board has approved flexibility for Grafton High and York High testing dates. Student are able to select a testing date for each AP class in which they are enrolled.
What supplies should my student have on hand until Grafton Complex is accessible?
There is no expectation that students purchase additional supplies. Students should bring any instructional materials they still have with them to school. The school is planning and equipped to supply students with any needed or additional materials.
Is the division eligible for a waiver from state mandates?
The waiver process requires approval from the State Board of Education and requires the division to exhaust all options for meeting state mandates, which the division has not yet done.
Who was involved in the decision making process?
Led by the superintendent, in collaboration with state officials, a team consisting of principals, department heads, and executive leadership, many of which are parents, used a structured decision-making process. The process used multiple criteria to examine 16 possible options. Each option was considered in light of state requirements, logistics, scheduling conflicts, family impact, and division resources such as transportation and infrastructure. The resulting decision was the best balanced choice in light of the many options considered.
Why are only Grafton schools attending Saturdays, part of spring break, and days beyond the school year?
Grafton High and Middle schools missed six instructional days of the school year before returning to school on February 11, leaving those schools with the largest deficit for meeting state mandates. While alternating weekly schedules between the host school and the visiting school was considered, division and school leaders determined a consistent schedule for each school was in students' best interests. Additionally, if the Complex reopens this school year, the calendar will be adjusted accordingly.
Why didn't the division use alternative solutions such as off-site facilities, split morning/afternoon school days, or dispersing students among all high schools and middle schools?
Division and school staff measured 15 safety, instructional, and operational criteria to select the best option for returning Grafton students to school. Potential impacts on families were also considered. While multiple off-site locations were considered, the Grafton Complex is 300,000 square feet. Other sites, such as the vacant K-Mart which is 85,000 were simply not large enough. Additionally, none met the criteria for ensuring student and staff safety or facility infrastructure (classroom space and restrooms). Finally, retrofitting the locations for classroom use would have been time-prohibitive.
The split morning/afternoon school day failed to meet the state-mandated instructional requirements and negatively impacted specialty instructional programs, transportation services, and extra-curricular and athletic programs.
Finally, the instructional capacity in the other high schools and middle schools could not have accommodated all 2,100 students from the Grafton Complex. Placing learning cottages on these campuses would also have been time-prohibitive.
The selected schedule maximizes available existing resources, allows students to continue to receive instruction from the same teachers, establishes a routine for both students and staff, and minimizes negative effects on the already stretched YCSD transportation system.
I take 3 NMSI supported AP classes and have been actively participating in the NMSI study sessions. I was wondering if the school board had a plan for the NMSI sessions moving forward and if Grafton students can still participate.
Division staff have worked closely with NMSI representatives to revise studeny session dates and times to ensure all registered students are still able to participate. Dates and times of the revised sessions are being provided by the schools.
How will this affect the School of the Arts students?
The division is committed to making sure students have the opportunity to continue in this program. Students who have SOA daily will continue to attend Monday through Friday, while students who have alternating day SOA schedules have several options are in place for continuing with their classes.
How does this affect IB classes, which have required number of hours?
IB will meet all guidelines as required for program.
How does this affect a student's Governor's School or New Horizon's (NHREC) schedule?
Students will continue to attend all Governor's School and NHREC classes as scheduled. School staff have made adjustments to schedules within the student's day for other classes.
My child needs extra time for tests through the RtI program. With shorter classes, with their be accommodations given for this circumstance?
Students will continue to receive all instructional supports that are currently in place.
What about special education?
Students with IEPs and 504 Plans will continue to receive special education and related services as well as accommodations within the new schedule. Special education teachers and related service providers will review their students' IEPs and schedule services for their students to ensure the provision of services as written in the IEP. In the event there are any concerns with the provision of services, IEP teams will address these on an individual basis.
What happened to my student's medication that is kept at school?
The medication was removed from the building the evening of the fire per the direction of the health department. All medication was be delivered to the respective sites for student use.
When will my student be able to retrieve their textbooks, gym clothes, personal items from their lockers at Grafton Complex?
BELFOR Property Restoration Company is responsible for cataloging all items inside the Complex the day of the fire. The cleaning and removing of items from the Complex began with materials identified by staff as needed to continue classroom instruction.
As of March 6, BELFOR reported that instructional materials have been delivered. Staff are approximately halfway through the process of inventorying student locker content at the middle school and will begin cleaning those contents next week. Information on the process for collecting locker contents will be provided in weekly Status Reports.
How does this new schedule affect testing such as SOLs, AP exams, and SATs/ACTs?
March Writing SOL Test for students in Grades 8 and English 11:
Testing schedules have been modified for students at TMS, GMS, YHS and GHS. All testing will be completed during the month of March and specific testing schedules have been shared with students, families and teachers by school test coordinators.
May and June Spring Non-Writing SOL Testing:
The division continues to work with the admin teams at the schools impacted to develop appropriate testing schedules that follow each school's specific schedule. Once finalized and approved by the Virginia Department of Education, school test coordinators will communicate specific testing schedules with students, families and teachers. All testing will be completed prior to June 11.
May and June SAT Testing:
The March 14 SAT will be at York High and the April 4 ACT has been relocated to Tabb High.
The division is working to make alternate arrangements for SAT testing scheduled on May 2 and June 6 initially scheduled to be held at Grafton High School. Students interested in taking the SATs at the alternate location should continue to register for testing at Grafton HS on the College Board website. Once the alternate location is confirmed, more information will be communicated with those students by College Board.
May Advanced Placement Testing:
College Board is providing students at York High School, Grafton High School and Tabb High School with allowances for AP testing. Students and parents should reach out to their school's Assessment and Compliance Coordinator or School Counselor to discuss more specific options.
How will parents and students know their bus information for the revised school schedules?
Parents and students can use the E-Link website to look up their specific stop information based on the new start and dismissal times.
User Name = Student ID
Password = Student birthday in the MMDDYYYY format
*Do not check the box for "Authenticate using Network Credential"
If there are additional questions, please call transportation at 757-898-0344.
Where will New Horizons, School of the Arts, IB and Governor’s School students requiring bus transportation catch the bus?
Transportation staff will contact parents individually with information for their student.
Will my student’s parking permit be honored at York High School?
Grafton parking passes will be honored at York High School, though there will are no assigned parking spaces. Students should park in any space painted white. Students who do not have a Grafton parking pass will also be allowed to park at YHS.
Will the Grafton students that walk to school be provided bus transportation?
Yes, every Grafton student has been assigned to a bus. Please review the bus information provided above.
Will bus transportation be provided on Saturdays?
Yes. Please review the bus information provided above for stop times and locations.
The My Stop app doesn't work on Saturdays?
Unfortunately, the My Stop app does not currently function on weekends. Transportation offices are staffed on Saturdays, so if you have questions regarding your child's route on Saturdays, please call 757-898-0344.
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