Frequently Asked Questions
Do you have a question about the FY11 Operating Budget? Send your question to, and we'll post responses throughout the budget-building process. (Names will not be published.)
It looks like all coaches' salaries are being eliminated. Is this true?
No, it is not true. Coaching stipends were not eliminated in the Superintendent's Proposed Operating Budget, and there are currently no proposals before the School Board to do so.
When looking at the budget, it is difficult to determine which programs are covered by a grant. Is there a way to flag items in the budget that are funded by a grant?
In the Superintendent's Proposed FY11 Operating Budget, grant-funded programs are listed on pages 70-84 (pgs. 75-89 in the PDF document posted online). Grant-funded programs are also detailed in the FY10 School Board Approved Operating Budget on pages 154-163 (163-172 in the PDF). Summer School and Adult Education are partially funded by grant.
Will the division be taking a serious look at an early retirement option?
School division staff is monitoring legislation in the General Assembly for any bills that would provide for an optional VRS early retirement program. If any early retirement legislation is approved by the General Assembly and signed into law, the school division will evaluate the legislation for its benefit to staff and its financial impact on the division. The school division is not currently planning to implement a local early retirement incentive.
In light of proposed cuts to remediation programs, have cuts been considered for gifted education programs?
Every aspect of the operating budget is under consideration for potential cuts. All decisions will take into consideration the division's commitment to meeting Virginia's Standards of Quality (SOQ) requirements.
During a budget presentation at my school, a cut in health care involving retirees was mentioned. What exactly is this proposed cut?
The school division maintains an Other Post Employment Benefit (OPEB) reserve fund to offset future costs of providing health care coverage to retirees. Funds are transferred into OPEB reserve fund each year. The $61,000 reduction represents a lowering of that annual transfer amount. The reduction in the transfer does not impact the current health care benefits provided to retirees nor does it impact the current cost sharing between the retiree and the school division.