FY11 Operating Budget Update

Have questions about the FY11 Operating Budget? Send your questions to webmaster@ycsd.york.va.us. FAQ postings will help answer the questions that you have during the School Board's budget development. (Names will not be published.) Click here to view the Frequently Asked Questions.

This page will be updated as information becomes available from the School Board as well as from the division's funding sources: local, state and federal. To receive updates as they become available, add this web page to your RSS feed reader.

June 15, 2010: FY11 Approved Annual Budget

March 29, 2010: FY11 School Board Proposed Budget

March 24, 2010: School Board and Board of Supervisors Joint Work Session

March 17, 2010: School Board Work Session

March 9, 2010: At the March 8 School Board Work Session, Superintendent Eric Williams provided the Board with information about the budget schedule, VRS savings and the cumulative state revenue loss. Chief Financial Officer Dennis Jarrett presented the latest state revenue information.

February 26, 2010: As we await budget action from the General Assembly, the Williamsburg Yorktown Daily published a school budget primer to answer basic budgeting questions. To read the primer, visit http://www.wydaily.com/local-news/3974-the-absolute-primer-on-how-public-schools-are-funded.html

February 19, 2010: Governor McDonnell recently released his FY11 state funding proposals for K-12 public education. To see his proposals: http://www.governor.virginia.gov/docs/10-02-17_Gov_Recs.pdf

February 10, 2010: FY11 Superintendent's Proposed Annual Budget

February 9, 2010: Governor Kaine's proposed budget for the 2010-2012 biennium included a recommendation to maintain use of the 2008-2010 composite index in fiscal year 2011 and to defer use of the recalculated composite index for 2010-2012 until fiscal year 2012. Governor McDonnell yesterday recommended that the recalculated composite index for 2010-2012 be used to distribute state funds to school divisions in fiscal year 2011. The Governor's press release on this recommendation is available at: http://www.governor.virginia.gov/News/viewRelease.cfm?id=38.

While the governor's recommendation has not been adopted by the General Assembly, adoption of the recalculated composite index would result in an additional $635,502 cut in state funding to the York County School Division.

The School Board will discuss additional cuts to the 2011 Operating Budget at their next work session, scheduled for March 8 at 6 p.m. at York Hall.

January 12, 2010: Superintendent's Proposed FY11 Operating Budget Preliminary Recommendations

On December 18, Governor Timothy Kaine released his budget proposal for the 2010-12 biennium. As one of three major funding sources for the York County School Division's FY11 Operating Budget, division staff will look very closely at the governor's proposal to determine its potential impact on the division's budget. Please note that this is a proposal and that the incoming governor and the General Assembly will also submit proposals and amendments before the budget process is complete.

December 7, 2009: Chief Financial Officer's FY11 Budget Outlook presentation to the School Board

Beginning with the December 7, 2009, work session, the York County School Board will develop an operating budget for the coming school year.

The Superintendent's Proposed FY11 Operating Budget will be released in February.

By statute, (VA Code Section 22.1-92) the Superintendent's approved proposal must be submitted to the Board of Supervisors by April 1, 2010. By statute (VA Code Section 22.1-93) the Board of Supervisors must approve a School Board budget by May 1, 2010.

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