Do you have a question about the budget? Send your question to, and we'll post the answers to general questions on these web pages. (Names will not be published.)
I understand that there will not be any step increases, will employees still receive a cost of living increase for the 2009-2010 school year?
The Superintendent's Proposed FY10 Operating Budget does not include a market adjustment or a step increase for staff.
Since the Teacher As Leader initiative has been replaced with National Board Certification, would you consider waiting until December to give the stipend so the few of us that are hoping to earn the certification will have acknowledgment for the year that we pass?
At this time, we have not determined the final process for implementing the new program. However, this is a suggestion that can be taken into consideration.
Is one of the proposals to offer early retirement to teachers, as York County did in the 1990s?
There is a proposal in the General Assembly (presently a House proposal) to make available, as a local school division option, an Early Retirement Incentive Plan for eligible staff. This proposal has not been approved by the General Assembly, but it is still under consideration. The school division is monitoring this legislation and, if it is ultimately approved by the General Assembly and signed into law by the Governor, the Superintendent will make a recommendation to the School Board based on many factors, including the cost and savings associated with offering an early retirement plan.
Assuming that the economy gets back on its feet for the school year of 2010- 2011 (FY11), will teachers step up the ladder accordingly with all years considered?
Steps on the salary scale do not necessarily equate to the number of years of service, so, for example, a teacher on step 5 may have more than five years of teaching experience. As for what will happen in 2010-11, we are currently working on the FY10 budget and cannot answer any questions relating to future budgets.
How will the School Board determine which licensed employees will have their additional contract days reduced?
A committee of School Board Office and school administrators will meet to review each position that currently includes additional days beyond the normal teacher contract. The committee will then develop a recommendation regarding which additional days could be reduced with the least impact on the classroom, with the knowledge that all employees in this category provide valuable services that will be negatively impacted if reduced. After considering the committee's recommendations, the superintendent will forward a recommendation to the School Board for final approval in their FY10 Operating Budget.
Since Teachers as Leaders is a three year program, will the teachers that have one and two years left continue to be paid next year under your proposal?
No, the superintendent's preliminary recommendation is to eliminate the Teachers as Leaders program in FY10 and implement a new program that provides a stipend to teachers who have earned National Board Certification, saving $82,000.
Which school services and/or staff positions will most likely be eliminated?
No final decisions have been made about any specific school services or staff positions. As mentioned in previous presentations, examples of likely expenditure reductions include, in alphabetical order, the following areas: central office staff; contractual services for instruction and operations; custodial/maintenance/technology staff; equipment/bus purchases; para-educators; staff development; teachers; technology refurbishment; and textbook/supply purchases. It is hoped that any staff reductions can be made through attrition (current employees retiring or resigning).
Will the Yorktown Elementary technology refurbishment still take place?
The technology refurbishment at YES is still planned; however, just like every other project or program in the operating budget, reductions in funding could impact the timing of the project.
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