The York County School Board provides this system for authorized users only. Any person using this computer is subject to having all of their activities on this system monitored and recorded by Information Technology personnel.
Anyone using this system expressly consents to such monitoring and, if such monitoring reveals possible evidence of violation of School Board policy or regulations or of possible criminal activity, consents to Information Technology personnel giving the evidence from such monitoring to School Division administrators or to law enforcement officials as appropriate.
Before accessing this system please review the following:
- If you cannot access this service from a computer outside the school division, contact whomever you use for personal computer support and/or your Internet service provider. YCSD Information Technology will not provide support for home computer systems or Internet service providers.
- Never use this link to access email while on a school division computer. Use either the Outlook client installed on your computer or the Web client accessed through myYCSD.
- Never choose the option to save your password when accessing Webmail. A saved password compromises security and places your user account at risk. Additionally, you must close the browser window when you are finished with your email to prevent unauthorized access. You are responsible for all uses of your account.
- If you suspect that your password has been compromised, contact the Information Technology Help Desk at 757-898-0311 or the Information Technology department at 757-898-0302.
- If you are installing the app on a smartphone or configuring another personally owned device and are prompted for the Exchange settings, please use the setting below:
- Server: outlook.office365.com
- Domain\username: ycsd\your login
- Use secure connection (SSL): check the box
Clicking the following button signifies that you are an authorized user of this sytem and verifies your agreement to the terms of use.