YCSD Remains Consistently Above State Assessment AveragesPosted On: Tuesday, August 20, 2024 |
For Immediate Release According to data released by the Virginia Department of Education (VDOE) on August 20, the York County School Division (YCSD) continues to perform above state averages on annual state assessments from the 2023-24 school year. Overall, YCSD students exceeded state averages in all five Standards of Learning (SOL) content areas by between 11 to 15 percentage points. 2023-24 SOL Pass Rates
YCSD results reflect a statewide trend in which the division averages remained largely consistent with the prior school year's results, with the exception of a 1 percentage point decline in science. Within student groups, the division experienced growth in multiple content areas. English Learners growth occurred in math (7 percentage point increase), science (8 percentage point increase), and history (5 percentage point increase), while black students demonstrated a 4 percentage point increase in math. Over the past three years, math performance among black students has increased a total of 7 percentage points from 68% to 75%. "Our division recognizes the importance of evaluating each student's needs and providing appropriate individualized support to prepare every student for success," said Dr. Candi Skinner, chief academic officer. "We can attribute these improvements to the hard work of our teachers, support of our families, and a collective commitment to provide high-quality professional development and academic tutoring." The state also shared data regarding chronic absenteeism, which identifies the percentage of students who miss more than 18 school days or 10% of the school year. Chronic absenteeism is widely recognized as a critical barrier to academic achievement. Preliminary results indicate YCSD saw a 22% reduction in students who were chronically absent. The rate of chronic absenteeism fell from 14.58% during the 2022-23 school year to 11.37% in the 2023-24 school year. Schools implemented various strategies to improve student attendance, including investing in extended learning time, providing personalized transportation to students most at risk of missing school, and funding student connection coaches at every school. "This improvement reinforces how our strategic plan's supportive culture and collective commitment priorities directly impact student success," said Dr. Victor Shandor, division superintendent. "You can't underestimate the power of positive relationships and connecting students to their school community." Additional data from the 2023-24 school year is available online through the VDOE School Quality Profile reports. Division staff will present a report on the division and school data at the Monday, September 9, School Board work session. |