Parent/Student Driver Education Presentation - 2023-24Posted On: Tuesday, September 12, 2023 |
Students enrolled in Driver Education in Virginia are required to attend a 90-minute presentation to obtain their Driver Education Certificate of Completion (DEC-1) card. This is due to a 2022 Virginia General Assembly code requiring all approved public, private, and commercial driver training schools to add a 90-minute parent/student component to the classroom driver education curriculum. York County School Division (YCSD) will meet Virginia Code § 22.1-205 and SB 78 requirements by hosting a Partners for Safe Teen Driving presentation at each high school during the fall semester. Parents/guardians and students are encouraged to attend their home school presentation, however if the parent/guardian and student cannot attend the designated date, they may register for a date at another YCSD High School. To receive the DEC-1 Certificate of Completion card at the end of the semester, parents/guardians and students are encouraged to participate in the presentation together. The DEC-1 card confirms that the student participated in a driver education approved class with a completion of 36 classroom hours and is turned into the DMV when applying for a driver’s license. Students will receive the DEC-1 card at the end of the semester once attendance and completion of the presentation are confirmed. If a parent/guardian is unable to attend the presentation, the student is expected to attend the presentation and upon entry must present the instructors with a completed and signed “Parent Opt-Out Form”. Presentation dates, schools, locations, and times are as follows:
It is recommended that parents/guardians and students arrive early to sign in and be seated. Once the presentation begins, no late entry will be allowed into the auditorium. Parents/guardians and students must attend the presentation in its entirety to receive the Affirmation of Attendance card. As a reminder, if the parent/guardian cannot attend the meeting, print out the “Parent Opt-Out Form,” complete, and have your student turn in the form to the instructors at the 90-Minute Presentation. Register for the presentation. |