
Superintendent Safety Message

Posted On: Friday, March 03, 2023

Dear Families & Staff,

I am asking for your help in addressing the critical issue of school safety. While this message may be lengthy, I think there is no topic deserving more time and attention.

Over the last several weeks, school staff have responded to multiple instances of students bringing prohibited items to schools, making inappropriate and even threatening statements, and physical altercations between students on and off campus.

I am saddened, troubled, and even angered by the events affecting our schools. Our students and staff should be able to come to school every day confident they are in safe, secure, and welcoming school environments.

While we are grateful to the students, families and staff who have brought many of these matters to our attention in a timely manner, we have also had instances in which information has gone unreported for days – even weeks.

YCSD has comprehensive, multi-layered safety and security measures in place at every school and campus to respond to potential threats and emergencies. We continuously review, update, and improve these plans. Our partnership with the York-Poquoson Sheriff’s Office is the strongest school-law enforcement relationship I have witnessed in my 29-year career in education.

However, this is not just a school matter. This is a community concern. We all have roles and responsibilities in keeping our schools safe.

Please, spend time with your children. Listen to them. Talk to them. Make sure they know how to share their concerns with a trusted adult, the Sheriff's Office, or the YCSD Report It program at 757-890-5000. Review the YCSD Student Handbook and Conduct Code so you and your child understand the consequences they will face if they choose to engage in dangerous or threatening behavior.

We must make a collective commitment to protect our students and staff. Thank you for your time and for being part of the solution.


Victor D. Shandor, Ed.D.
Division Superintendent
York County School Division

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