
YCSDigest - September 14, 2020

Posted On: Monday, September 14, 2020


School Board Work Session

Safe Return to Classrooms

This evening, Dr. Shandor and chief officers presented updates on the start of the school year and plans for returning students to in-person learning. In accordance with the School Board’s vote on July 23, staff have established target dates to begin in-person instruction for identified student groups prior to the end of the first nine weeks.

The target dates provided below are tentative and subject to health and operation metrics remaining at levels that support safety and operational integrity. This use of a gradual return will allow the division to monitor and assess operations and instruction and make any necessary adjustments. As we evaluate our staffing levels for in-person instruction based on these target dates, we will be able to establish the appropriate model/schedule for each student group as they return.

In-Person Return Target Dates

DateStudent Population
9/8-9/25 Individual student testing/assessment
9/28 Self-contained programs
English language learners (Level 1)
Outdoor athletics conditioning
10/5 PreK-Grade 1
10/19 Grades 2-3
11/5 Additional Grades - TBD

Health Metrics

Each week, division staff meet with representatives from the Peninsula Health District to receive updates on COVID-19 statistics in York County and the surrounding region. These health metrics, along with division operational metrics are posted on the division Return to School website weekly. While we originally expected to receive reports identifying COVID-19 data as either increasing, steady or decreasing, the health department is now using the term fluctuating. Rates will be considered fluctuating, rather than increasing or decreasing, if the rates are for a period of time less than 14 consecutive days.

Required Annual Forms Due

Each year, parents receive back-to-school paperwork to be completed for each child. Forms that are due in September are now available in Rycor, the division’s forms and online payment system. Just log in (or create your account if you don’t have one yet), click on the student’s name and look for “New Items” at the bottom of the screen.

Required Forms Due Friday, September 18

  • YCSD Student Handbook/Code of Conduct Family Acknowledgement Form
  • YCSD 1:1 Program Student/Parent Handbook Acknowledgement Form
  • YCSD Student/Parent Technology Acceptable Use Policy Form
  • Military Recruiter Information Release Form (11th and 12th grade students only)

If you are unable to complete the forms online, please contact your child’s school for assistance.

2020 SAT Scores Released, YCSD Students Surpass National Average

York County School Division (YCSD) students continue to outperform their peers at the state and national level on the SAT according to results released by the College Board last week. YCSD high school seniors achieved an average combined score of 1149, which is 98 points above the national average and 33 points above the state average. The 2020 results also represent an 18-point increase for YCSD students from the previous year, resulting in the highest division average in four years."

We are proud of the SAT performance of the division's graduating class of 2020," said Candi Skinner, chief academic officer. "We attribute this success to the collective efforts of our students, teachers, administrators, and YCSD families."

The SAT was revised in 2017 to consist of two sections, Evidence-Based Reading and Writing (EBRW) and Math with an optional essay section. Both sections are scored on a scale from 200 to 800 points. The essay, if taken, is scored separately.

YCSD provides every student in tenth grade the opportunity to take the PSAT. Students and teachers use this information to help identify areas of strength, as well as areas for continued growth. Skinner added, "We commend our instructional staff for supporting students by offering SAT preparatory instruction, 1:1 coaching, and for using data to modify instructional practices to better support student outcomes."

Community Announcements

The York County School Division offers local businesses and organizations the opportunity to share information with students and parents regarding educational/enrichment activities, events and opportunities, which are either available to YCSD students or support division programs. These flyers are neither sponsored nor endorsed by the York County School Division or the schools, but are made available as a community service for our families.

Community announcements can be found on the division website and each school's website.

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