
Letter to Families Concerning National School Walkout

Posted On: Thursday, March 08, 2018

The tragic events of February 14 in Parkland, Florida have led to many important discussions as a country regarding school safety. It has also prompted a call for a national school walkout on March 14, from 10 to 10:17 a.m., in recognition of the tragedy.

Anticipating that our community may become involved in this movement, division and school administrators have developed plans for that possibility. Our intent is to meet both the division’s responsibility to provide a safe, secure learning environment for all students while recognizing the rights of students as outlined in the division’s Student Handbook & Conduct Code as well as the School Board Policy Manual.

If a walkout should occur at any of our schools, classroom instruction will continue as planned. Students who choose to participate in a peaceful assembly will not be penalized but will be expected to follow the directions of school staff and adhere to school rules, including the dress code. School administrators will work with student leaders to ensure the walkout time is constructive, meaningful, and orderly. Staff will be assigned to specific duties as necessary. For example, staff members who are not leading instruction at the time of a walkout will be identified to supervise students in a designated area on campus.

To help preserve our school environment, and minimize security concerns, members of the community, including parents, will not be permitted to participate in any student-led walkout on school grounds.

Ultimately, decisions regarding student participation in events such as this are personal for each family. We encourage our families to have conversations before March 14 regarding the varying viewpoints that may exist among our community and the many other ways that students can make their voices heard on important topics.

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