
SES Kindergartners Honor Veterans

Posted On: Friday, November 20, 2015

Kindergarten students from Seaford Elementary School (SES) recently went to Colonial Harbor to honor the veterans who live there. Prior to the visit, students learned about the significance of Veterans Day and wrote cards to veterans. They also created red, white and blue placemats in art class and learned two patriotic songs to perform.

On Veterans Day, the students and their parents met their teachers at Colonial Harbor where the students walked among the residents, visiting and passing out their cards. The students then all gathered to sing the songs that they had rehearsed for this special occasion. The field trip made Veterans Day a meaningful holiday for the students and it meant the world to the residents of Colonial Harbor to have the children there, bringing such joy and life into their lives. The kindergarteners have been asked to come back for an encore performance each year!

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